In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, Blazor has emerged as a compelling technology stack, offering developers the ability to build interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the process of creating a small application using Blazor, explore the code snippets, and examine the benefits of choosing Blazor over competing technologies. We’ll also compare Blazor to other frameworks in the same domain, highlighting their pros and cons.

Building a Small Application with Blazor

Let’s consider a simple scenario: building a basic task management application. With Blazor, we can create a dynamic and responsive user interface using familiar C# syntax. Here’s a high-level overview of what the code snippets will accomplish:

  1. Creating Components: Define components for displaying tasks and adding new tasks.
  2. Managing State: Utilize Blazor’s state management to handle task data.
  3. User Interaction: Implement user interactions such as adding and removing tasks.

Now, let’s dive into the code snippets to see how this is achieved:

TaskListComponent.razor (Component for Displaying Tasks)

@code {
    public List<string> Tasks { get; set; }

    @foreach (var task in Tasks)

AddTaskComponent.razor (Component for Adding Tasks)

@code {
    private string newTaskName;

    private void AddTask()
        newTaskName = string.Empty;

<input type="text" @bind="newTaskName" />
<button @onclick="AddTask">Add Task</button>

Benefits of Using Blazor

  1. Single Language: Developers can leverage their existing C# skills without needing to switch to JavaScript, enhancing productivity and maintainability.
  2. Component-Based Architecture: Blazor’s component-based approach promotes code reusability and separation of concerns, leading to cleaner and more modular code.
  3. Rich Ecosystem: Blazor benefits from the extensive .NET ecosystem, including libraries, tools, and community support.
  4. Server-Side and Client-Side Options: Blazor offers flexibility by supporting both server-side and client-side hosting models, catering to different application requirements.

Comparing Blazor to Competing Technologies



  • Performance: React’s virtual DOM enables efficient rendering, resulting in fast and responsive UIs.
  • Large Ecosystem: React has a vast ecosystem with numerous libraries and tools available for various tasks.


  • JavaScript Required: Developers must be proficient in JavaScript, requiring a context switch for C# developers.
  • Complexity: React’s learning curve can be steep for beginners, especially when dealing with state management.



  • Full-Featured: Angular provides a comprehensive solution with built-in features like routing, forms, and HTTP client.
  • TypeScript Support: TypeScript enhances code maintainability and scalability, offering static typing and other advanced features.


  • Boilerplate Code: Angular applications often require writing more boilerplate code compared to other frameworks.
  • Performance Overhead: Angular’s extensive features may result in a larger bundle size and slower initial load times.


Blazor, React.js, and Angular are all powerful tools for building web applications, each with its strengths and weaknesses. While React.js excels in performance and ecosystem, Angular offers a full-featured solution with TypeScript support. However, Blazor stands out for its seamless integration with the .NET ecosystem, single-language development, and component-based architecture. Ultimately, the choice between these technologies depends on factors such as project requirements, team expertise, and personal preferences.

Exploring Blazor: Building Small Applications in C#

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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