Enterprise Architect is a powerful tool for modeling and documentation, and one of its key features is the ability to export model content to HTML pages for external parties to access offline. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of exporting an entire model in Enterprise Architect as a set of HTML pages.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Enterprise Architect: You should have Enterprise Architect installed and access to a project with the model you want to export.
  • Export Template: Create an export template with the desired format and styling for your HTML pages. You can customize the template to match your organization’s branding and requirements.

Step 1: Open Your Model

  1. Launch Enterprise Architect and open the project containing the model you want to export.
  2. Ensure that your model is organized with packages, elements, diagrams, and other model elements as needed.

Step 2: Configure Export Options

  1. Select the package or element you want to export as an HTML document. You can choose to export the entire model or specific portions of it.
  2. Right-click the selected package or element and choose “Package Control” > “Publish Package.”
  3. In the “Publish Package” dialog, configure the following options:
  • Select Publish Template: Choose the export template you’ve created, which determines the styling and format of your HTML pages.
  • Output Directory: Specify the directory where the HTML pages will be saved. You can create a new folder for this purpose.
  • Additional Formats: Choose “HTML” as the output format.
  • Elements to Publish: Choose the level of detail you want to include in the HTML pages. You can include the structure, diagrams, notes, and more.
  • Publish Diagrams: Select whether you want to include diagrams in the export.
  • Publish Models in Project: Check this option to export the entire model if desired.
  • Apply Element Filters: You can filter the elements to include in the export based on various criteria.
  • Append Timestamp: Optionally, you can append a timestamp to the output directory’s name for version control.
  1. Click “OK” to save your settings.

Step 3: Export the Model to HTML

  1. After configuring the export options, right-click the same package or element and choose “Package Control” > “Publish Package” again.
  2. In the “Publish Package” dialog, click the “Publish” button to start the export process.

Enterprise Architect will generate the HTML pages based on your model content and the chosen export template. This process may take some time, depending on the size and complexity of your model.

Step 4: Access and Share HTML Pages

  1. Once the export is complete, navigate to the specified output directory. You will find a set of HTML pages and associated resources such as images and CSS files.
  2. Open the index.html or main HTML page to view the exported content in your web browser. You can navigate through the model, view diagrams, and access model details.
  3. Share the entire set of HTML pages and associated resources with external parties. They can access and view the model content offline by opening the index.html page in a web browser.


Exporting an entire model in Enterprise Architect as a set of HTML pages allows you to share your model content with external parties for offline viewing. By customizing export templates, you can ensure that the exported HTML pages match your organization’s branding and requirements. This feature is valuable for collaboration, documentation, and knowledge sharing in your modeling projects.

Exporting an Entire Model in Enterprise Architect to HTML Pages

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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