Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio is a powerful and versatile tool for recording and live streaming. If you’re an Arch Linux user and want to capture your screen or create engaging content, OBS Studio is an excellent choice. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing OBS Studio on an Arch Linux machine and demonstrate a basic recording workflow using the Brave browser.

Step 1: Installation

Before we get started, make sure your Arch Linux system is up to date by running the following command:

sudo pacman -Syu

Now, let’s install OBS Studio. Arch Linux users can find it on the official Arch User Repository (AUR). To install it, you’ll need an AUR helper like yay. If you don’t have yay installed, you can get it from the official repository with the following command:

sudo pacman -S yay

Once you have yay, use it to install OBS Studio:

yay -S obs-studio

Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Step 2: Setting up OBS Studio

After the installation is complete, you can launch OBS Studio from your application menu or by running obs in your terminal.

  1. First Run Wizard: OBS Studio will open with the First Run Wizard. You can choose to optimize for streaming or recording, but for this guide, select “Optimize just for recording.”
  2. Scene and Source: OBS Studio uses scenes to organize your content. A scene can contain multiple sources like your screen, webcam, and browser. Click on the “+” under “Scenes” to create a new scene. Name it as you like.
  3. Adding Sources: Under your newly created scene, click on the “+” under “Sources” to add sources like “Display Capture” (for screen recording) and “Video Capture Device” (for your webcam).

Step 3: Recording with Brave Browser

Now, let’s demonstrate a basic workflow for recording a session in the Brave browser using OBS Studio.

  1. Add a Display Capture Source:
  • Click the “+” under “Sources” in your scene.
  • Select “Display Capture.”
  • Choose the display you want to capture (usually “Display 1”) and click “OK.”
  1. Adjust Capture Area:
  • OBS Studio will start capturing your entire display. You can resize and move the capture area by clicking and dragging its edges.
  1. Adding Brave Browser:
  • To record your web browsing session, click the “+” under “Sources.”
  • Select “Window Capture” and name it “Brave Browser.”
  • Choose the Brave browser window from the drop-down menu and click “OK.”
  1. Recording:
  • Ensure your scene is set up with both “Display Capture” and “Brave Browser” sources.
  • Click the “Start Recording” button in OBS Studio to begin recording your session.
  1. Stop Recording:
  • When you’re done, click “Stop Recording” in OBS Studio.
  • Your recording will be saved in the default location, typically your home directory in the “Videos” folder.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully recorded your Brave browser session using OBS Studio on your Arch Linux machine. OBS Studio offers many advanced features, so feel free to explore and customize your setup further for your specific needs.

Remember that OBS Studio is not just for recording but also for live streaming. You can explore its streaming capabilities and make your content available to a live audience. Happy recording and streaming!

Installing OBS Studio on Arch Linux and Recording with Brave Browser

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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