
Enterprise Architect is a powerful tool for modeling, designing, and documenting complex systems and processes. When working on large projects with multiple team members or over an extended period, effective version control becomes crucial. In this blog post, we will explore how to work with multiple versions in Enterprise Architect to ensure seamless collaboration, track changes, and maintain a clear history of your models.

  1. Understanding Version Control in Enterprise Architect

Version control, also known as configuration management, is the practice of tracking and managing changes to your models over time. Enterprise Architect provides built-in support for version control through its integrated version control features. The primary goals of version control in Enterprise Architect are:

a. Collaboration: Multiple team members can work concurrently on a project while keeping track of changes and preventing conflicts.

b. Change tracking: Maintain a history of changes, allowing you to revert to previous versions if necessary.

c. Documentation: Document why and when changes were made, enhancing project transparency.

  1. Setting Up Version Control

Before you start working with multiple versions in Enterprise Architect, you need to configure your version control system. Enterprise Architect supports a variety of version control systems, including SVN, Git, and others. Here’s how to set it up:

a. Navigate to ‘Configuration’ > ‘Version Control Settings.’

b. Choose your version control system and configure the necessary settings.

c. Connect to your repository and ensure it’s working correctly.

  1. Creating Baselines

A baseline is a snapshot of your model at a specific point in time. Baselines are essential for preserving the state of your project before making significant changes. To create a baseline:

a. Right-click the package or element you want to baseline.

b. Select ‘Package Control’ > ‘Create Baseline.’

c. Give the baseline a name and description, then click ‘OK.’

Baselines provide a point of reference, allowing you to compare the current state of your model with previous versions.

  1. Managing Changes

Enterprise Architect offers several features to help you manage changes effectively:

a. Version Control Status: Icons in the project browser indicate the version control status of elements or packages. You can see if an item is under version control and whether it has changed locally.

b. Check Out/Check In: To modify an item, you must first check it out, making it read-only for others. After making changes, check it back in, updating the version control repository.

c. Commit Changes: Before committing your changes, provide a comment explaining what you’ve done. This comment will help you and your team understand the purpose of each change.

  1. Comparing and Reverting Versions

One of the most powerful features of version control in Enterprise Architect is the ability to compare and revert versions:

a. Compare Versions: Right-click an item and select ‘Package Control’ > ‘Compare with Version.’ You can see the differences between the current version and a selected baseline or branch.

b. Revert to Baseline: If you need to undo changes made since a specific baseline, use ‘Package Control’ > ‘Revert to Baseline.’ This action replaces the current version with the selected baseline.

  1. Branching and Merging

Enterprise Architect allows you to create branches to work on specific features or releases without affecting the main development line. Merging branches back into the main model is also supported. To create a branch, select ‘Package Control’ > ‘Branch Package.’ When you’re ready to merge changes, use ‘Package Control’ > ‘Merge Branch.’


Version control is a fundamental aspect of managing complex projects in Enterprise Architect. By setting up version control, creating baselines, and using features like check-in/check-out, comparison, and branching, you can effectively work with multiple versions while ensuring collaboration, tracking changes, and maintaining a clear history of your models. Mastering these version control capabilities will help your team streamline development and improve project management in Enterprise Architect.

Mastering Version Control in Enterprise Architect: A Comprehensive Guide

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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