
Email has long been the cornerstone of digital communication, and as our needs evolve, so do the tools we use to manage our inboxes. Microsoft’s New Outlook for Windows has been making waves, promising to redefine how we handle emails, calendars, and more. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the New Outlook, its features, and how it stacks up against alternatives like Thunderbird. We’ll also delve into the crucial aspect of support for web add-ins and plugins.

The New Outlook for Windows

The New Outlook for Windows is Microsoft’s vision of a modern email client, offering an array of features that make managing emails, calendars, and tasks a breeze. This application is built on innovative technologies and is designed to be your ultimate email hub.

Key Features of the New Outlook for Windows:

  1. Unified Hub: It consolidates multiple email accounts into one streamlined inbox, simplifying your email management.
  2. Modern Architecture: Built on modern technologies, the New Outlook provides a fast and efficient user experience.
  3. Integration with Microsoft 365: Seamlessly connects with Microsoft 365 apps and services, including Teams, OneDrive, and more.
  4. Enhanced Search and Organization: Advanced search functions and a “Focused Inbox” feature help you find what you need quickly.
  5. Personalized User Experience: Customize the interface, notifications, and rules to align with your specific needs and preferences.
  6. Enhanced Security: Incorporates robust security measures like multi-factor authentication and encryption.

Thunderbird: A Versatile Alternative

Mozilla’s Thunderbird is another email client that’s been around for a while but continues to impress with its flexibility and features.

Key Features of Thunderbird:

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Thunderbird supports Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it an excellent choice for multi-platform users.
  2. Plugin Support: Unlike the New Outlook, Thunderbird allows extensive plugin integration, offering users a high degree of customization and extended functionalities.
  3. CalDAV and CardDAV Support: Thunderbird supports essential protocols like CalDAV and CardDAV out of the box, making it easy to synchronize calendars and contacts.
  4. Open Source: Thunderbird is an open-source project, which means it’s continually evolving with the help of the open-source community.

The Web Add-In Shift

One notable change in the New Outlook for Windows is its focus on web add-ins and the discontinuation of support for the old COM plugin architecture. This shift is driven by the need for modern, secure, and extensible solutions. While this ensures a more secure environment, it may limit the extent of customization for some users. Further information can be found here:

Thunderbird, on the other hand, shines when it comes to plugin support. With a vast library of available add-ons, you can tailor your email client experience to your liking, whether it’s about adding extra security layers or enhancing functionality.


The choice between the New Outlook for Windows and Thunderbird depends on your unique requirements and preferences. The New Outlook offers a sleek, integrated, and secure experience, while Thunderbird shines in terms of extensibility and cross-platform compatibility.

As you explore the world of modern email clients, consider your priorities: do you need a unified hub with strong Microsoft integration, or do you value the flexibility of open-source customization? Whether you choose the New Outlook for its streamlined efficiency or Thunderbird for its endless possibilities, the key is to find the tool that empowers you to manage your emails and calendars effectively in today’s digital age.

Exploring Modern Email Clients: New Outlook for Windows vs. Thunderbird

Johannes Rest

.NET Architekt und Entwickler


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